And now a shameless plug - self-promotion - but then that's part of what blogs are for, right? Right!
I am beyond thrilled to announce that I have the distinct honor of being the keynote speaker to kick off Art Unlimited 2008 held in Phoenix, Arizona from August 3 - 10 at the Embassy Suites Hotel. I'll be delivering an interactive speech which includes making tag pages for a book to be auctioned off at the silent auction and displayed during AU 2008. Following my speech will be a Meet the Artists reception, where my art work will be displayed along with fabulous instructors who will be teaching at AU! There is no charge to attend if you are registered for classes. Oh! and did I mention that there's a prize worth $400 to be won by a lucky registered participant who attends my speech? Thank you, Linda Young for giving me this opportunity!
As most of you know, I'm celebrating ten years as a Creative Life Coach, working with various creative clients from those in the entertainment industry to visual artists. I have clients all over the country who I help get in touch with their dream, break it down into "baby steps", and make a plan to turn that dream into reality. We look at how all parts of our lives affect our creativity. I work with the extremely successful award winning creative folks to newbies just starting out. I love what I do and I get to see artists move to the next level in their dreams. All of us have doubts about our abilities and our work. We could all use a cheerleader, mentor, confidant at some time. I get to fulfill that role for my clients on a daily basis. My talk - Discover Your Muse: Follow Your Heart and Find Yourself - will combine coaching and art expertise that will help each artist "discover her muse" and have new tools to help spark creativity at home in the studio when creative thoughts are replaced with doubts.
I look forward to seeing many of you in Phoenix - and if you were thinking you might skip the opening, I encourage you change your mind - I'd love to have you there and I can guarantee a fun time!
Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions and of course, comments are welcomed - See you in Phoenix!