My rubber duckie collection on my bathroom window!
Will post details later but wanted to begin to update my thoughts and art work -
First a very special "thank you" to Linda Young and family for a wonderfully organized and well planned week - and once again a thank you filled with gratitude for asking me to be the keynote speaker to start things off - I enjoyed speaking and had lots of comments throughout the week that led me to believe that people were actually listening! :)
Had a special surprise when my name was called and announced that I won 3rd prize in the art contest - the first time I ever entered my artwork anywhere - and it was especially rewarding because it was a piece that I had created to teach in a class in LA earlier in the year - thanks so much!
To all my new and old art friends - I send out big hugs and want you to know how much your friendship means to me - as I unwind and slip into sadness that AU is over I know that I will have many conversations with all of you until our next meeting in 2009 - the Yahoo group and our "get togethers" keep me going - I agree with all those who said they wished life could be like AU - it's nice to be in the company of like-minded talented creative folks -
Thank you to all the wonderful instructors this year - what a difficult choice to narrow down the classes I wanted to take this time - but a very special thank you to my teachers - Anne Grgich, Robin Dudley-Howes, Jane LaFazio, Carla Sonheim, Leighanna Light, Raina Gentry and Michael de Meng - it doesn't get better than that! Each class took so much planning and each was wonderful in it's own way - Most of my projects I worked on are works-in-progress (okay, I didn't finish them) but am posting them as they are today and will post them as they are completed - I did finish my work in Anne Grgich's class, Michael de Meng's and Carla Sonheim - I am very pleased with all three -
The under "skirt" and base of my tassel - I painted the blank wooden cup
Instructor/artists - Carla Sonheim and me - Drawing class

My first attempt at drawing class - we chose a picture from a magazine and drew it - using pencil, charcoal, and water soluble crayon - My lion -
Instructor/artists Leighanna Light and me at the end of her Metal Deck class - thanks for introducing me to metal and all the fun it holds!
These are the metal cards in my deck - I have only started with semi-completed backgrounds - next I will add the embellishments like buttons, etc that I will wire (not glue!) onto the cards
My assemblage (with a French accent!) piece from Michael's Outlet class - The rooster at the top I found at Hannah Grey's booth and the round letters say "Shalom"
My 'work-in-progress' from Raina Gentry's class - my first painting class

A right-side up view but bottom of piece cut off in photo :)
My 2nd piece from Anne Grgich's class - love her classes!

My new friend Amy from Simi Valley and I are starting an AU art group for the LA area - we are fashioning it after the successful one in Phoenix - watch for an announcement about our first gathering here in LA -
Tomorrow I'm going with Kara and Terrill (AU friends from LA) to Pasadena to Harbor Freight to look at power tools - a phrase I never thought this "nice Jewish girl" would be uttering - but I must say I'm excited and can't wait!
Will be in touch with all those I met but for now this blog will have to do - I got home to a stack of DVDs to view for voting on the Emmy Awards - so have my work cut out for me - and will be doing some work for Shirley Jones (yes - Partridge Family Shirley Jones) who we work with regularly -
Also am offering a free tele-coaching session to anyone who attended AU - students and instructors - just e-mail me and we can set something up - am looking for a couple of full time coaching clients, so this is a good way to see if you might want to sign up - to find out more about coaching check out my Scribe Wizards website -
Stay in touch - continue to make art - and see you next year in Phoenix!
HI Reva
You did such nice work in all your classes. I hope mine wasn't tooooo frustrating. Koodos to you for doing something you had never done before and sticking with it; positive attitude and all. I love the painting from Annes class. Keep up the good work!
p.s I will take you up on your freebie coaching session!
It was great meeting you. Have fun at Harbor Freight. This nice, Jewish girl has plenty of tools and am a happy camper with my toys.
About time you posted! I wished i would of had more time to spend with you at AU! Your classes sound wonderful, as well as your art. Your speech hit the spot with many, many people, as they are intimidated with "paint" or the A word, i know i was, i took a painting class fron Laura at Michaels! You were great, and YES, i would love a coaching session! Angelica
Hi Reva, I'm new to your blog, but just had to say I adore your Freedom Banner, it's stunning!!
Carole (in New Zealand)
thanks for the mention Reva! Your watercolor sketches look fab!
Jane LaFazio
WONDERFUL!!! WONDERFUL!! WONDERFULL!!! CONGRATULATIONS on being the Keynote Speaker!!! Bravo!!!!! I LOVE your "WORK IN PROGRESS" . . . your first ever sketch and watercolor technique (that's real BEAUTY!!!!!) . . . Elvis, Vinnie, and the rubber duckies!!! They're SO cute!!! LOL!!!!
yeah -- i'm glad you finished some things! it was more than wonderful to actually get to sit down and talk to you this year. you are pretty amazing!
Hi Reva:
Loved seeing your work. I sat next to you in Anne Grgich's class on Monday and was in the back of the room & far away in Leighanna Light's Vintage Metal Deck class. I like your vintage metal deck WAY better than mine. I guess I need to get busy and alter them some more.
Great work you did there. Looks like so much fun. Congrats on your award. It is a beautiful piece!
Hi Reva, Thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog. Your work is great. I love your photo of Michael de Ming. I was at Harbor Freight yesterday with hubby. I enjoy going there. You never know what you are going to find! Take care, Carol
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